Each one stress's his reasons to support this title; the following is my point of view!
Life is a Game; the nature of Game is Lottery. It means you gamble each time. Game has so many descriptions, I state my favorite picture. Games consist of players, rules and information. Players are individuals, agents, company, countries and cartels. Rules mean strategists, constraints and consequents. Information means observed utility, observed strategists and expectation. For simplification, thinks we have two players: developed countries which are rich and expert and developing countries which are poor and green. Players can coordinate or not. Information is perfect. It is a gamble. Rich one has K1 coins and poor one has
This is a simple game that can be solved by stochastic process. The poor country will lose after …… step and the probability of poor to win is less than ….. What happen if the players have the same knowledge? P=0.5.