Sunday, April 22, 2007

Why Web?

Since the closure of my previous web, I have not written any post, until last month Saleh asked me to write for him about the continuation of writing. After that I decided to establish a web. My central reasons are:

1. This is a good idea for practicing in English Writing, especially if you would help me and mention me my mistakes to correct them!
2. I can write here my experiences and ideas about application for Economics! I think it can help other students that are interested in economics or hesitate to pursue his/her studies in Economics.
3. I can record my remembrances

Best regards


ali mirtar said...

baba webloge khareji :D

Unknown said...

آخه تو نباید یه ندا بدی که صفحه داری ؟
ما باید تنها باشیم ؟
بابا ما رفیقیم هنوز ! یک کم حوصله ما را داشته باش

JaSa said...

Great! It seems brilliant. Congratulations on new blog.

درای said...


sdrsd said...

با کلاس!
البته اشکال نداره، ما یه رفیق داریم که زبون خارجی بلده می گیم هر روز واسمون ترجمه کنه.

Anonymous said...

keep writing.. it is really a good idea

Anonymous said...

How can you record your remembrances?! come on! update it.

Anonymous said...

khob, montazrere baghishaim!

Anonymous said...

C'est genial! Je ponse que mon amie -Hossein- revient à la vie sociale! Il faut attendre sa femme; mon autre amieé.

Anonymous said...

Mon dernier message a 2 erreurs. "amie" doit changer en "ami" et "amieé" doit changer en "amie"! M'excuse; Je suis novice en français. Mais ton écrit anglais m'a stimulé.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!
Thanks to Saleh.